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Re: Legs swelling
In a message dated 98-04-28 00:04:53 EDT, you write:
>> Could it be that the high heels were saving her THAT much wear on the
Not necessarily, but by putting her in flat shoes it may have dropped her
angles considerably. You can usually RAISE a horses angles without much of a
problem, but DROPPING can only be done a degree at a time or you do put quite
a bit of stress on the tendons and ligaments. You could try a shoe that has a
degree or two of wedge built in....that should give your horse some tendon
>and rocks, lots of mud. ( but it's going away, I just know it)
This could also be part of the problem.. Several readers mentioned windpuffs
already. Working in deep footing, e.g. mud, sand......can often cause extra
stress to the tendon sheaths, causing the fluid buildup known as
windpuffs.......generally harmless, more of a blemish.....but definitley
caused by some damage to the joint capsule or tendon sheath at some time. It
is generally unavoidable if you have to work in deep footing often........Here
in Florida you know a horse has been a "pasture ornament" if he DOESN'T have
windpuffs.......Kind of proof that the horse has got some mile on him. :-)
Do you know how to check the suspensory ligaments, deep flexor tendon and
superficial flexor by palpation?.......If not, have an experienced leg vet
show you how.......It's a great way to check and see if there is something
more serious going on than just windpuffs. Some horses can have a mild
suspensory tear and will show no lameness at all....just some swelling. But
they will show pain on palpation so you know it's time to get the ultrasound
done and assess the true damage.
>Oh, Just thought of something else. I am reluctant to train with sports
>medicine boots, I have them, but have a hell of a time keeping Rayna's legs
>from getting raw in them. She has EXTREMLY delicate skin and very fine hair.
>For the same reason I cant hardly use liniment, she burns.
I also have a beautiful pair of turquoise Sports Medicine Boots in the tack
room collecting dust. Had exactly the same experience on my thin skinned
Cindy Bell
Southeast Region
Wameco (complete with windpuffs......no pasture ornament here!!!!!)
I can hose her or
>ice her, but this is just covering up the symptoms, not fixing the cause.
>So, have at it, guys. I am anxious to here your input.
>Julie and Rayna
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