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Color Country Endurance Ride
Hi Ride Campers; Just got home from riding the Color Country Ride outside of
St. George, Utah. I'v been riding this ride off and on for the last 17 years.
This year they changed the trail and the Base Camp, both for the good. It was
nice before - but the changes really made it nicer. Color Country, is not a
really difficult ride, but it's not a give me either. Not as much sand as in
the past, not alot of climbs, but afew....All in all quite a nice ride. Ride
Management put alot of effort into the trail and all the extras, it was
marked quite well. It was a very lightly attended ride, guess 'cause, St
George, Utah is sorta out there in nowhere land...anyhow,,,it's a fun ride to
ride and I'd like to thank ride management for keeping it going.
Claire & TE Sensation
Las Vegas, NV
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