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Re: WSTF Fun Ride III

In my small fanny pack I carry bandana (multiple uses), waterproof canister of
matches,  whistle (if lost), space blanket (it is folded down to the size of
travel Kleenex), Leatherman tool, small wad of dental floss (can repair many
items), and a small zippered, first aid kit that has the usual stuff. I added
small dressing (small Kotex works too) and smelling salts. I had to use
smelling salts on a friend who had been dumped and was determined to finish
the ride but had gone into shock later and was delerious. I know there are
other useful items that I haven't thought of or heard of and would like to get
input on this subject. Also these items along with two water bottles stay with
me not on the horse in case we are separated (we have greatly reduced our
"separation sequences" but you never know).
Trail Blazer ran a series on being prepared for emergencies that was quite
good. But the amount of gear carried would be a burden to most endurance

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