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Proper Se levels

Good moring all,

Hopefully someone can chime in and give me some advice.  I recently took
Jordy completely off alfalfa hay - it was doing bad things to his brain and
behavior.  The down side is that this pretty much eliminated his natrual
source of Se. There is no such thing as Se in our soils.  Since that time
he has started to have problems with thight muscles - which I and my vet
contribute to lack of Se in the diet.

I had blood pulled for testing for Se levels.  The results should be back
this week.  My vet is a good equine vet but most of her work is in
reporduction and I would like some other input of the proper levels of Se
for an endurance horse.

Also if I have to supplement then what is the best supplement to use and
how much should be used.  I currently get my vit E for my horses from GNC.
The human version at GNC is actually less expensive than the supplements
sold for horses.  Would the same course be appropriate for Se


Truman Prevatt
Mystic "The Horse form Hell" Storm
Little Stormy - "She wasn't with us long - but boy will we miss her"
The Rockman, a.k.a Misty Jr.
Jordy, a.k.a. Bridger - Finaly getting his shot

Sarasota, FL

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