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Re: Pregnant mares
I dont understand all the reluctance to use bred mares. I have had several
bred mares over the years and used all of them almost to the last minute. One
mare foaled about an hour after a six mile trail ride, she hadnt waxed yet
when we left, and she had no problems ever. Another mare, a Shetland bred to a
donkey got so huge she wouldnt fit between the shafts of the cart so we quit
driving her. I was sure she would have twins, or just explode into many pony
parts <G> but she foaled without assistance, a mule filly almost as tall as
she was! Within days the mare was back in harness, the filly safely in a
stall while mom went back to work. I showed the pony team ( took the mule,
too ) at the fair 6 weeks later, had no problems ( unless you count the woman
who asked me if the mule filly was a GOAT! <g>)
I rode my horses through both of my own pregnancies and hate to think how I
would have faired health-wise if I had given up all the excersize I was used
to. The doctor did talk me into waiting two weeks to start riding after my
first, but after the second I didnt wait, I started a colt the day after I
came home from the hospital.( doesnt that sound like one to add to the "you
know you're an endurance rider when" list? : ))
So IMHO, I think it is MUCH better to use a pregnat mare, with common sense,
than to let her get so out of shape. I think they are better for it all the
way around.
Julie Lindeman
Brush Prairie Wa
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