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Sweating and drinking, or lack thereof.

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From: Sarah 

I'm just starting out in endurance (got the horse, but haven't been
on any rides yet) and I'm wondering about my horse.  He's an Egyptian Arab
with low resting pulse (24-28 unconditioned) and I've never been able to wear him out on a training ride.  But he rarely sweats and he doesn't drink a lot of water.  I don't know if this is a good thing or something that I should
watch out for when I start doing longer rides.  Our last training ride was about
12 miles, averaging around 8 mph I think, and we were riding with two
endurance horses who had been ridden more than my boy (because I'm at
college during the week) and they had a decent sweat after we trotted a
several miles, and my horse was only sweating where the breastcollar rubbed
his chest.  Also, the conditioned horses drank a lot at the end of the ride,
whereas my horses didn't want any.  I think he may just be efficient enough
that he doesn't break a sweat easily, and doesn't need to drink as a
result, but I'd like to get the opinions of some experienced endurance folks 
just in case.


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