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Radios, and similarities

In a previous post on radios, et al, I alluded to AERC DRUG RULE 13a.
that discusses alternate non invasive "high tech" therapies that were
allowed for many years and then ruled illegal a few years ago.

As a Ride Manager of numerous multi day rides, I saw the Bioscans,
Magnetic Stimulations, Electronic Impulse Machines, and numerous other
"alternate therapies" on these rides.  People used them on their horses
after the rides, at Vet Checks, loaned them out to riders with "iffy"
horses, and so on.  Personally, I did not know if they worked or not, and
assumed that the biggest benefit was to the riders psyche.  In any case,
about three years ago the AERC Vet Committee decided these were illegal
to use "during competition" along with acupuncture, manipulative
procedures, etc.  They are legal to use after your final vet exam and
before the pre-ride vet exam, meaning they are distinctly different than
invasive drug treatment or therapy which can be tested and proved. The
alternate therapies can only be proved by visual observation of the

Ok, with that said I have to think that AERC set a precedent in a
philosophical sense.  By ruling that "high tech", non invasive means to
improve performance were illegal and unfair during competition, I believe
AERC took the position that this is a simple horse and rider team
competition during the event.   

Assuming AERC Drug Rule 13a. were not in existence, it would be
interesting to see how the members of "ridecamp" would view these "high
tech" non invasive alternate therapies.  Would those in favor of radios,
etc. be in favor of the Bioscans, etc? or would they be viewed in a
different light?

Randy Eiland

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