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Opinion poll:
1)I am in the process of getting my horse back into his pre-winter
fitness for a 25 mile ride in June. It seems that I will not be able
to ride more often than twice a week (Saturday and Sunday) because of
my summer job. I may be able to squeeze a third "day" on Fridays for
an hour ride approximately. What I am wondering is if this is enough
conditioning? A suggestion has been that I do two "ride/training sessions"
per day on Saturday and Sunday - with one session being less intense than
the other and one being in the early morning and the other in the
late afternoon. I know that human athletes do this sometimes but is
this o.k. for horses, or does it spell burnout? He will have Monday
to Thursday to himself out in the pasture, and I don't plan on doing 25
mile training sessions don't worry! I always start off with at least
15 minutes of walking and when I get to an open field which is just
before the trails I usually take the time to do some large circles at
walk/trot, shoulder in, etc.. as part of a warmup. And I always do 15
minutes of walking at the end of a ride.
2) Since I have to tranquilize my horse before shoeing his hind feet
I was wondering how long is a tranquilizer detectable in a horse's
system? Is one week before a ride for his last trim/reset enough?
Lysane and Buck
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