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Re: body clipping
>I think it really depends on the horse and the climate you are in. I
>clipped Misty pretty much year round. Of couse I didn't have to clip as
>much in the summer.
I'm definitely rethinking my view on clipping! ;-) You can tell I come
from an area where horse "shows" are the norm and clipping the summer coat
is a no-no. It also doesn't get very hot here, especially in the mountains
-- we complain and whine terribly if it gets over 90 for more than about 5
minutes. <g> Most of us don't even have air conditioning in our homes.
Most of my riding out of the arena involves going up into the mountains --
and I live on the west side which has a whole different climate than those
that live only a couple of hours away on the east side (which is high
desert.) Since I will probably be traveling to rides there in the future,
a slightly different approach to the subject will be warranted. ;-) Thanks
for the insight.
Tyee Farm
Marysville, Wa.
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