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Re: Radios & Cell Phones on Rides
On Sun, 12 Apr 1998 20:52:36 -0700, "S. Brown" <sbrown@wamedes.com>
>>There is, however, one use of two-way communications which arguably
>>violates AERC Rules. Rule 6(k) prohibits being prompted by a person
>>other than another entrant. For this rule to be violated, a protester
>>has the burden of proof to clearly show that: (1) prompting has
>>occurred; and, (2) the prompting went beyond the ordinary support
>>services of attendants and crews.
>What do you mean by "prompting"? What kind of stuff would be considered in
>the prompting category? I normally carry a cell phone with me when I ride
>for safety sake, but never thought that there would be an illegal use
>during competitions.
Yes, the "prompting" referred to in the rule is prompting the horse.
Such as bringing a fresh horse along to encourage the horse entered in
the ride, or a person walking behind the horse with a crop. I doubt
that verbal encouragement of the rider would be a violation of the rule.
This rule has some flexibility. I've walked in the last few miles with
a late-finishing rider just to keep her company, and as a ride manager
I've ridden out to meet the last-place rider after it got dark, just to
make sure she was all right, and then ridden in behind her. I don't
feel I violated 6k in either case.
Joe Long
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