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Re: Leaving after a ride

As a ride manager for ten years, I have seen the trend change here a lot in
the Central Region.  It used to be NO ONE stayed over...the big
campfire/social hour was the night before.  Riders have changed, rigs have
changed.  Now a bunch stay over.  The average drive for our riders is five hours.

Please do not condem people for leaving an hour after the ride if their
horse is fine.  It is not your business.  Some of the reasons our riders
leave are: work the next day, animals to feed at home, cows calving/horses
foaling, beat the snowstorm, horses cold and wet, children, parental
obligations, church, etc..   You cannot be presumptious enough to demand
their Sunday as well!

Take care of your horse and hope everyone else does the same.  Many horses
are better off going home rather than being tied or cooped up another day.
Louise Burton
Firedance Farms Arabians

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