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Re: trail help

Steve, thanks for the offer of help. I really don't think there is anything
that an extra crew can do. Lud usually decides to go out on very short notice
to clear an area, and he's anxious about having outsiders around when he's
falling large trees. If we decide outside help is necessary, we'll call you.

The uncertainty is driving us nuts! Can't plan on anything, but hate to throw
in the sponge; so we're plugging along, clearing downed trees, etc. Probably
the biggest deterrent to having the rides is the campsite. The Maple Tree site
is buried under tons of rock, the Apple Tree site (one of the most heavily
used) is covered with mud which is still boggy. Susan said this morning that
the tracks from the cows (Janet's and Steve's) passing through that site are
full of standing water. The road into camp is full of potholes and ruts. If we
can't park trailers in the camp, we certainly can't have a ride. It's really
been an awful winter here, but of course the good part is the tremendous stand
of grass for the livestock and the refreshment of gound water supply. The
springs and creeks will be in good shape all summer. We haven't been riding
for 2-3 months, hence we won't be competing until Applegate-Lassen; it's Lud's
turn this year.

We've had the company bulldozer at work, clearing the massive slides from
Powerhouse Grade and filling in the huge washout on the Miller Ranch road.
Cemetery Ridge is still in bad shape. I'll put a message on ridecamp in
another week and let prospective riders know what's happening.


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