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Re: Leaving after ride

At 09:20 PM 4/10/98 -0700, you wrote:
>O.K. folks, 
>Kinda quiet out there, so I think it may be a good time to mention a
>trend that's been bothering me lately.  It seems that at more and more
>rides, people come in off the trail, pack up and haul home.  I really
>hate this for many reasons.  

I agree 100%.  I try to get the ride early to let the horse unwind and let
the horse rest overnight so that they can fully recover aftrewards.  

Not only does the horse need to rest but so does the rider.  In Feb 96 I
did the Far Out Forest 100.  We usually would hang aroung and rest (horse
and rider) until late Sunday afternoon before we went home.  The drive was
not bad - a few hours but it still a long drive when you are tired.  Kathy,
who stayed up crewing was also tired.  For some reason that year we decided
to go home in the moring. 

Near Brooksville, I pulled in to a flying J to get fuel (diesel).  I was
tired and I filled both tanks with gas!  I discoverd this before we fired
the rig up so there was no damage.  We ended up being towed to the Ford
dealer in Brooksville and staying overnight in Brooksville and went home
Monday afternoon.

Lesson learned.

Besides half the fun of a ride is sitting around the campfire that evening
with a cold beer and good company.


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