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Leaving after a ride
<O.K. folks,
Kinda quiet out there, so I think it may be a good time to mention a
trend that's been bothering me lately. It seems that at more and more
rides, people come in off the trail, pack up and haul home. I really
hate this for many reasons.>
As a ride manager, I find it disappointing to have riders leave immediately
after a ride.
1) They usually ask for their award to take home when I am busy with other
matters and have not yet received the finish order from the finish timers .
2) We have gone to a good deal of effort to present an excellent meal, a
pleasant ambience, and nice awards with which to recognize their
accomplishments. It is depressing to see trailers pulling out in droves. I
feel like a hostess who is giving a party and nobody wants to come.
3) It is very costly, both in postage and time, to have to mail awards later.
4) After the ride is the only time we can really visit with the riders, as
before and during the ride we are usually dashing around checking to be sure
all is going smoothly.
Fortunately, one or more of our vets stay the night, so horses that do stay
over are protected in case of emergencies.
This is just a rid manager's two cents worth!
Barbara McCrary, ride manager
Castle Rock, Applegate-Lassen Trail, and Swanton Pacific 100
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