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Leaving after ride

Hi Angie:

You made some excellent points, and I'd love to hear what the vets and
other riders think.  The first couple of years, I almost always stayed
overnight.  I am fortunate in that I have several rides close to me, so I
do occasionally haul home the same day...after the horses have a few hours
of rest.   

How long should we let the horses rest after doing a 100 or a multiday?
Assuming they are in good condition, bright and alert and are eating and
well hydrated?  

Hauling a fatigued horse in a trailer can lead to serious problems.  

btw, I agree with Louise.  Come on you guys, get with the program!!!  Stop
posting stupid jokes and copying entire posts over and over again.  We
don't want to lose this forum.  

Oh...has anybody else out there done the Pit Stop 50 (in previous years)?
I'd love to hear what they think of the trail.  I'm not sure I believe
everything Cliff says <vbg>....thanx :-)

Happy Trails,

in Gardnerville, NV
& Dream Weaver, 1360 miles
& Rocky, 400 miles :-)

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