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Re: colic before endurance ride ?
In a message dated 98-04-07 21:23:38 EDT, lpopp@pa.net writes:
<< My question is, would you take this horse on a ride 6 days after a colic
like this? >>
No, I would not. Give him some time to be really right. I would start
conditioning rides again by then if he is ok, but I would not haul and attempt
a ride.
I would also be concerned that the Banamine might well still be testable, as
it is usually only dosed every 24 hours--with the addition of the second dose
before the first dose is below therapeutic levels, you have a higher-than-
usual dose for his body to get rid of, hence the risk that it could take more
than a "normal" withdrawal time. (Please note: this is not a criticism of
how you dosed it--I would likely have done the same thing in your
circumstances--just an observation about how drugs are metabolized.)
Heidi Smith, DVM--Sagehill Arabians (Oregon)
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