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Re: pass and I'll kick!

In a message dated 98-04-07 00:48:23 EDT, writes:

<< Remember, the one receiving the kick was in the wrong place and is the one
 at fault. The one doing the kicking is only acting in the NATURAL manner of
 the horse. >>

While it is often true that the one receiving the kick was in the wrong place,
there is still no excuse for not having a horse sufficiently accustomed to
crowded settings to not kick unless SEVERELY provoked before one ever starts
riding the horse in public.  We teach our horses to do MANY things that are
not natural, including the very obvious act of being ridden.  If we can ride
our horses, tie them to trailers overnight, and do all the other "unnatural"
things that we teach them to do in order to participate in this or any sport,
we can certainly also teach them that kicking is TOTALLY unacceptable
behavior.  Indeed, we must, if we are to participate with any degree of

Heidi Smith, DVM--Sagehill Arabians (Oregon)

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