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Horse and Saddles For Sale

For sale 8 yo arab cross mare, bay, 15.2 H, 1000 lbs, sweet, gentle, very willing, extremely
intelligent, excellent recoveries, strong trot, ground covering canter.  Has completed three
50 mile endurance rides this year.  I love this mare, but have decided endurance is not for
me.  Will sale with or without saddle.  

For sale, 3 1/2 yo Half Arab/Half Andalusian gelding, grey, 14.2H, 800 lbs, sweet, gentle,
green broke.

Also for sale, Sharon Saare Super Lite, size "B" tree, 15" seat, endurance saddle and DeSoto
endurance saddle, 15" seat, 6 3/4" arabian bars.

Dee Fortner
NE Alabama
(205) 523-7111

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