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Re: LD question

In a message dated 98-04-03 18:48:28 EST, writes:

<< I know we all ride because we like to and prizes aren't what keeps us
 coming, however, prizes or ribbons do help people feel good about what
 they've accomplished. >>

For the novice rider, it is nice to have a standard with which to judge one's
performance relative to that of other riders, and I agree, the BC sort of
format is more appropriate than the time standard.  That is why I like the CTR
format for novices--it is like multiple BC scores all added up.  It isn't
necessarily WHAT one gets for a prize as much as it is being able to evaluate
what you have done.  That is why for ALL distances I announce all the BC
scores.  It is pretty obvious why someone has a low score if they were an hour
behind and 50 pounds lighter, and if they had a really spiffy vet score, I
make a point of saying so.  By the same token, when somebody wins the ride and
has a BC score 200 points lower than the BC winner, that makes a pretty heavy
statement, too.   (Guess this is my personal way of "shunning"....LOL!)  I
ALWAYS announce who got the highest vet score, and sometimes also the runners-
up, if they were close.  


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