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Minimum Time
In UMECRA we have both LD and competitive trail rides as well as varied-
distance endurance rides. The CTR's can be any distance from 25 miles to
3-day 100s. The speed is set at 5-1/2 to 7 mph. Any ride can set the minimum
time depending on that day's heat, humidity, and difficulty of trail as long
as the maximum speed does not exceed 7 mph. (The ideal time for an easy ride
in good weather could be as short as 3 1/2 hours ride time) There is a
10-minute window within which no points are deducted. Over and under this
window there is 1 point per minute deducted up to 55 minutes on either side of
the perfect time.. NO ONE who finishes within these limits is disqualified.
(Of course they lose enough points for time penalties that they will not
place). Horses start with a score of 400, and points are deducted based on a
system similar to BC judging for endurance. There is NO judging based on
horsemanship, negotiation of trail obstacles, methods of tying, feeding, etc.
No crews are allowed, so it's a level playing field for riders with or without
help. There are three divisions: heavyweight, lightweight and junior. It's a
great way for new riders/horses to learn to pace, and there's obviously no
danger of over-riding. A lot of riders do both endurance and competitive on
any given weekend--there are usually both types of rides on both days of a
two-day weekend. You can do whatever turns you on, and nobody seems to feel
they're "second class citizens." You'll find Sunday's competitive riders
crewing for Saturday's endurance riders; and endurance riders who have
completed doing p/r's for the comp rides. The system has worked for 25 years.
Louise Riedel
Rider Directory
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