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Re: brands
I bought a sign at a trade show from a vet who micro-chipped...It is big, metal
and lots cheaper than actual micro-chipping. It simply states that the horses on
the premises have been permanently identified (inalterably). Not exact words,
but that's this idea. It is right in the middle of my front gate to the barn.
Been there for years and it hasn't even been shot at!!!!
> In a message dated 98-04-03 01:14:04 EST, dfletche@gte.net writes:
> << The brand inspectors will not look for
> lip tatoos either. >>
> Like everything else, this is not consistent, either. Have seen our
> inspectors here look for tattoos regularly.
> Dr. Fleming states that microchips are the only "unalterable" form of ID, but
> in this day of technology, there is nothing to keep the informed thief from
> removing the chip. The ease of removal is the primary reason why
> microchipping has not (and most likely will not) replace passports for
> international competitions. (BTW--for those of you with passported
> horses--the passport is valid in lieu of a brand inspection, as I understand
> it.)
> Heidi
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