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LD vs Endurance
In response to Wendy Merendini
The issue of LD riders feeling like second class citizens is really not
SILLY. It is not a feeling within ourselves. It is projected on us by
When I started riding LD I never felt so good. Just finishing with my
horse in great condition was so exciting! It wasn't until I had been
around for awhile, and I started hearing the negative talk that I
realized there were folks out there looking down on me because I ride LD.
I was shocked! This hasn't change my feelings about LD just makes me
angry at the folks who are making LD riders feel ashamed of what they
are doing instead of recognizing them for accomplishment. There are so
many people out there who get sucked into this snobbish attitude, and
don't want to do an LD ride because they have been told its not a "real"
ride. I know of people who have gone out and done a 50 for their
first endurance ride. The result , disaster! The definition of
Endurance is "The act, quality or power of withstanding hardship or
stress." I guarantee, that even after 5 months of training 4-5 times a
week, after our first LD ride my horse qualified as having done an
endurance ride. It is a matter of perspective. When I started doing
LD, I had a hard time believing that someday we would be doing 50 mile
rides. Well, now after two years of LD I believe we can do it and we
will be moving up. The experiences we have had in the LD rides has been
critical to this new found belief and ability. I would not recommend
anyone start out with a 50 miler for their horses sake. No matter how
good of condition their horse is in. There is just to much to learn for
both horse and rider that no book can tell you. You've just got to take
time and experience it.
I want to see LD recognized and awarded for what it is a " LD Endurance
ride." How would the 50 mile riders feel if they no longer received
placements because, after all, a 50 is just a training ride for a 100
right? To those moving up to 100's it is but I bet there are a great
number of 50 mile riders who will never move to 100's. Likewise in the
LD rides. Why not recognize these horses and riders. Of course an LD is
not the same as a 50 or a 100, but for a lot of folks it is as much
endurance as they will ever know. Lets encourage folks to come into our
sport by first showing them that they can be successful and be rewarded
in the LD before we encourage them to move up. For those who are capable
it is natural to want to move up. After our LD ride this weekend I was
surprised at how easy it seemed, but I am sure many many people on that
ride did not feel the same way. I am sure once I have begun doing 50's a
LD will no longer be an endurance ride to me. But it is to the people
riding them and they should be recognized by receiving placement and
awards at every ride just like the 50 mile riders do.
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