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Re: Convention RogerR
Well I thought I would let the smoke settle before I commented.
The convention was just fine. I was quite busy, did not get to any of the
sessions on Fri or Sat. I thought I would.
I do believe the attendance was low compared to the Reno conventions. While I
did see many of the NE/SE riders I felt there were many more that should have
come. I hope those who did not show--do not complain later about the
convention going to Reno for the next 4 years.
I thought there should have been more local advertising. But then the home
office under new management and just moving into a new location was I am
sure, a bit overloaded. Under the conditions I think they did a good job.
Hopefully next year the office will be running a bit better.
I dont know what an organizing committee can do to intice members to come to
their annual convention. Member appathy? maybe-- other things going on.. costs
too much you name it.. I was just hoping for a larger showing of support.
I am very greatful to those who did come.
I had also hoped there just may be more NATRC riders in attendance. I did see
a few from the R5 area.
The education program was the largest we ever had, thanks to Ramey, the office
staff and all the 'local' speakers --- I am just sorry I missed it.. But those
members who attended SHOULD have learned alot..
The moving of a convention this size to different areas is a major effort. We
are too large for one site and too small for another. Then we need easy access
from land and air.
Many other orgs do rotate the convention. Each region hosts the show. That is
the host reagion does all or most of the work NOT the home office. Some of the
are IAHA, USCTA, and the assorted vet conventions.
Not so sure there is enough interest for all the AERC regions to take on the
responsibilty to put this together. I believe in the Atlanta convention alot
of effort came from the SE region major players like Susan K and Nina G.. this
time we had a major support from Amy Whelan and Connie Cawlldell -spelled
wrong-- but yall know who I mean.. However I believe the major effort came
from the AERC office.. If I am in error here.. I am sure someone will correct
me on this one. I do know the gang of riders from Kty- Daniel Boone
Endurance et-al did a nice job with the Fri night party dance.. good KTY
Anyway.. I had a grande time- this was my 9th ot 10th AERC convention, they
get better every year. We are pleased to be able to support the orginization
in our small
way.. because you support us. We enjoy giving back to AERC through
awards/sponsorships etc. We hope we can do more next year.
Thanks to ALL the WEST/PNER/MTN /SW/CT riders who came to support our
origanization. I hope more from the NE/SE will consider comming to Reno next
As the new ride season starts.. think about the future of AERC. how can we
improve it and help to grow..
Lets just ride..
Roger R
Rider Directory
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