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Re: Saddle fit
>Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 21:11:26
>To: ridecamp-d@endurance.net, Ridecamp
>From: AJ's Classical Gas <ajsgas@imt.net>
>Subject: Re: Saddle fit
>>Date: Thu, 29 Jan 1998 12:29:21 -0800 (PST)
>>Subject: Endurance Saddles
>>From: Barb Peck
>>Email: bpeck@us.ibm.com
>> I'm a Sharon Saare fitter, as are afew others on this list, ....
>Barb, or anyone else:
>Is there a Sharon Saare saddle fit person in Montana anywhere? I just sold
my OF saddle, that was sliding so badly and need to look for something that
will fit my wider, no wither mare. I thought of having a saddle made
locally, but maybe not after talking with a "cowboy" saddle maker. He said
the tree is NEVER the cause of a saddle not fitting. He said all trees fit
the same and will fit any horse, I just needed to tighten my cinch. Pretty
scary huh!! I don't think I want one of his saddles:-) Anyway, anyone who
can suggest trees to try, or recommend a person who is really good at saddle
fit, I'd sure appreciate it.
Anne & the horses
(Dyskrete, Stuffy, Hadia and Tifla)
Jim & his good stuff
(Vintage Yellowstone Park Buses, parts and NOS)
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