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Re: Trail preservation
Every one of us should take Bob Morris's post to heart about trail
preservation. We truly are in a crisis situation about access to our trails.
We are facing more and more stumbling blocks every year here in central Oregon
dealing with the Forest Service in trying to manage our rides, and many of our
roads and trails are being regulated to the point that riding is nearly
I won't go into detail here about our own fights, but as a ride manager,
dealing with the Forest Service is probably the most frustrating, unrewarding
thing that I do. We are only a step away from having our "public" lands
banned to the very public to which they belong. If you love this sport, pick
up pen and paper and write to Senators, Congressmen, and anyone else you can
think of, defending multiple use for our public lands.
Heidi Smith, DVM--Sagehill Arabians (Oregon)
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