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Re: Convention
Teddy, With out a doubt the AERC office and its directors have a long way
to go to begin to run the thing like a business. Dane said that he would
respond to the rumors of missing money, computer tinkering and what not.
I like Dane but I doubt if a report will be forthcoming. No one likes to
talk about a screw up on their watch. The board is way to large to run
AERC, It need an executive committee that would write the business plan,
watch the books, implament good business procedures for a not for profit.
I think Larry Kanavey would serve and I know I would like to get my teeth
into getting the thing turned around. I don"t bring all this up as a
sideline harper, but as a long time member of AERC that is tired of seing
it run like a side show. Best Jerry Fruth
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