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Question of the Week-Reply
I usually have weekends off, at least part of each day. I work in
medical research 40+ hours a week, go to school 20+ hours a week (plus
homework), and have one horse, one dog, one cat and one very neglected
boyfriend (he's very brave to stick around). I did 50 mile rides last
season and will be moving up to 75's by the end this season. That is,
if all goes well and my instructors are lenient about Fridays... I
have a trainer who works my horse in dressage once a week and I ride
on the weekends. I found two years ago that I could do a slow L.D.
Ride with little or no conditioning and still get those A's on the vet
card that indicate I haven't hurt him. So I figure if I'm careful,
with decent conditioning, I can get him into his first 50 of this
season which will only increase his conditioning. Then it's on to
75's, 100's and Tevis. :) Yes, I'm an optimist (a very careful one).
Linda-Cathrine (29) and Magic Jake (9)
Seattle/Tacoma, WA
>Okay - the question of the week - for those of you who actually get
>the weekends off to go to rides, everyone wants to know, what
>distance do you ride, how many horses do you have and what pray tell
>do you do for a living? You don't have to give your age, but if you
>were born before Kennedy was elected that would be good to know too!
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