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1998 2nd Annual Rocky Mountain Ride
Greetings All!
The dates for the 1998 2nd Annual 275 Mile Colorado & Wyoming Rocky
Mountain Ride will be August 3 - 7, 1998 (Monday - Friday). The ride
begins in Arlington, Wyoming (40 miles west of Laramie on I-80) and goes
south to Centennial and Mountain Home/WyColo, Wyoming and Gould, Colorado,
then turns northeast to Red Feather Lakes, CO and ends going southeast at
Stove Prairie, 25 miles west of Fort Collins, CO.
The scenery is spectacular at elevations between 7,717 and 11,160 feet,
climbing over the Snowy Range, Cinnabar Park, Ute Pass, the Medicine Bows,
Montgomery Pass, Deadman Pass, and the Bald Peaks with beautiful views of
Rocky Mountain National Park and the Mount Zirkel, Rawah, Neota, Comanche
Peak and Poudre River Wilderness Areas! It is a challenging but doable
ride - in 1997, nine riders finished all five days on the same horse with
another four finishing four days on the same horse. Georges Chauvin of
France won overall 1st Place and Runner-Up Best Condition while Sala
Sherwood of Nevada won overall Best Condition and Runner-Up (2nd Place).
Diane Kuhn of Iowa wrote in the August, 1997 Arabian Horse Distance Riding
Association Newsletter:
In my 22 years of riding in this sport this ride was the best
return for my entry ever. We rode 9-10 hours each day, there were no bugs,
the temperature averaged 72 degrees each day, the trails were safe and we
were on top of the world (mountains) and could see for 100 miles once or
twice each day.
From a ride manager's perspective, Brad Patterson did an awesome
job of coordinating this event. Along with marking 265 miles of trail,
Brad had trail maps with mileage for each day, there were cowboys available
to take rigs to the next campground, lunch was provided for each rider,
there was a farrier at each campground. As a ride manager of a 5 day
event, Brad Patterson and his crew deserve a standing ovation! His small
team of helpers were very competent, helpful and cheerful.
If you ride smart, any experienced competitive or endurance horse
from this area (midwest) could compete all 5 days.
If Brad does this ride again next year, Liz (Diane's daughter) and
I will be at the beginning of the line to sign up and attend; and you are
missing the riding chance of a lifetime if you aren't there with us.
Lynne Himmelreich of Minnesota wrote:
The Rocky Mountain Ride definitely delivered on its promise to show you
the peaks of the Rockies and some incredible scenery!! The Trail was
rugged and challenging, and the scenery was well worth the ride. I
found the management, vets and volunteers to be very friendly and
The good news is that you did not need
a crew for this ride, and many people completed the rides without one,
including several who completed the five days on one horse. There was
loads of water on the trail, and water and hay were provided at the
vet checks that had no grazing. The ride management was happy to take
your stuff to the vet checks, and even set it out for you, so all you
had to do was look for it when you came in. Actually , you didn't
need a driver either, as management provided drivers for a fee, and
they did a great job.
I met some great people, learned a lot, and got my first view of the
Rockies. I hope that Brad offers the ride again next year, and that
many of you take the opportunity to go. I would not hesitate to go
This is a PIONEER Event. Each day is a seperate ride, and rig drivers are
available. Hot showers are available each evening (except Friday
Also, a 30 mile Limited Distance ride will be held in conjunction with the
last day of the ride, Friday, August 2nd.
Please contact me for more information. I look forward to seeing you and
your horse there!
* April 11: BOXELDER TRAILS 30/50 & 15 mile ROOKIE Ride (Wellington, CO)
* April 25-26: PAWNEE GRASSLANDS I 25/50/75/100 Elevator/25/50 & 15 mile
ROOKIE Rides * Mountain Region National Series Championship Ride *
(Briggsdale, CO)
* June 20: BEAVER MEADOWS 25/50/75/100 & 15 mile ROOKIE Ride
(Red Feather Lakes, CO)
* July 18: A MIDSUMMER'S MOONLIGHT RIDE 30/50 & 15 mile ROOKIE Ride
(Wellington, CO)
* August 3-7: 2ND ANNUAL ROCKY MOUNTAIN RIDE 55/55/55/55/30-55 *Pioneer
Event * (Monday-Friday; Arlington, Centennial and Mountain Home,
Wyoming &
Gould, Red Feather Lakes, and Stove Prairie, Colorado - Each day
is a seperate
event, and rig drivers are available - Pre-Registration deadline
is July 1st)
* September 5-7: HORSETHIEF PASS 25/50/25/50/25/50 & 15 mile ROOKIE Rides
*Pioneer Event* (Walden, CO)
* October 17: PAWNEE GRASSLANDS II 30/50/75/100 Elevator & 15 mile ROOKIE
Ride (Briggsdale, CO)
* November-December: Winter rides to be announced.
***All Pre-Registration deadlines are nine days (postmarked) before the
ride unless otherwise noted.
"There is no better way to see the world than from the back of a horse."
- Teddy Roosevelt
Email: mbp@holly.colostate.edu
Mail: 1600 West Plum Street #28-H, Fort Collins, Colorado 80521
Phone/Fax: 970-491-8891
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