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Re: Can't condition for a 50?
>As an aside, I had a mare who had only done 25 & 30 mile rides. The
>first ride with me, she got into the mid-point vet check at 28 miles and
>refused to leave. She had done "her" ride and was ready to quit!
>Nothing wrong, not tired, just a "I'm finished" attitude. I could see
>this as a potential obstacle for moving up to another distance if the
>horse got very set in her ways.
I did too many 25 mile rides with Misty before I did a 50. I had the same
problem on my first 50. There is nothing worse than a belligerent female, I
mean mare, with an attitude. I had to jog out of camp leading her for
about a mile. Then I got on and we galloped off and finished in fine
shape. So by doing a lot of 25's you are trained the horse that 25 is it.
With smart horses they think that it is party time after 25. I'll never
repeat that mistake. From now on, one or two 25's for brain training and
then, if they are not ready to do a 50, I'll go help.
Truman Prevatt
Mystic "The Horse form Hell" Storm
Little Stormy - getting ready for her first ride in six years
The Rockman, a.k.a Misty Jr.
Jordy, a.k.a. Bridger - Finaly getting his shot
Sarasota, FL
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