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Can't condition for a 50?
I've read lots of LD riders say they can't condition for a 50. When I started
endurance I had two Quarter Horses. Not the A-1 type of endurance horse, so I
just entered 50's anyway and used the LSD of the 50 miles to condition my
horses. I could only ride one day a week, but it was in the mountains. My
little un-conditioned quarter horses racked up 765 miles, they enjoyed the
trails and camping out and the extra care they recieved; while giving myself a
true sense of horsemanship, knowing we did it. If you really have the Heart
for this Sport, then go for it. It's not all about competing.....it's you,
your horse and the challenge of the trail, use it to reach your own goals,
don't say I can't!
Just my 2 cents worth.
Peggie Norton
Las Vegas Distance Riders
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