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limited distance thoughts
A couple thoughts on the threads on limited distance.
My background...3500+ miles, my first LD ever last month because my horse
is not old enough. I would much rather do a slow 50 than a 25, but I hold
that only for myself, not others.
I put on a large ride with approximately 50 LD riders and 50 50 milers....
1. Costs: They are not the same. The vets have to be there longer, and
many more awards are given on the 50 mile ride, though both get beautiful
original artwork by co-manager(husband) on mugs as completions.
2. Our fees for LD are only $10 less than 50s. Our 50 is $50 and our 25
is $40. Most rides in our region the 50 is $55 and the 25 is $35. I try to
encourage people to make the jump to 50s by having not much difference in
price. My ride is easy and a good one for a first 50.
3. $10 fee. Yeah, yeah, I've heard both sides talked to death. I am
against the fee for limited distance for two reasons.
#1. Is we are trying to PROMOTE the sport and ENCOURAGE people to try this
thing called endurance, not discourage newcomers.
#2. This is a managerial nightmare and will cause more RM to put on a "24
mile" ride which does not have to be sanctioned. Everyone looses out, AERC
looses money, and AERC members do not get points.
Just another angle some may have not seen.....
Louise Burton
Firedance Farms Arabians
Okmulgee Cougar Prowl
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