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Re: 25 mile ride personal survey.
> Should 25 mile rides be sanctioned and treated exactly like the 50 miles
> or not.
> 1. AERC currently defines the 25 mile ride as a "novice" event. Quote
> from the website "These rides are not considered endurance rides by AERC
> but are referred to as Limited Distance rides."
Having completed a single 25 mile ride, with a time just under 4 hours, I
will state that I do not consider a 25-mi ride an "endurance" ride. Any
reasonably fit horse and rider can ride 25 miles in 6 hours. That's just
not "endurance" in my book. I'm sorry, flame me if you will, but it just
ain't that hard! Especially with all the wonderful support you get from
the ride management, vet staff and other riders. I've been riding less
than 3 years, and I am no athlete let me assure you, but I managed to do
it without much difficulty. I consider the 25s to be training for
endurance, or just-for-fun rides.
> 2. Approx. 60% of the 25 mile entries are non-AERC members.
> 3. AERC is trying to promote the health and welfare of the horse in long
> distance competition.
Taking these two together, it's clear that people ride LDs for different
reasons. I think it's great that non-AERC people can ride LDs for the
experience, exposure to endurance, etc., and that LDs should continue to
be offered for that reason, as well as for their usefulness to
endurance-riders-in-training like myself, and bringing along young horses
or bringing back recovered hroses, etc. That still doesn't mean that a
25 is an endurance ride. It's not.
Glenda & Lakota (25 down, 1000s to go!)
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