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Re: Hobbles
I used to teach my Apps to wear them. The horse learns to rear and hop
to another spot. I would say they could wander about 1/4 mi. by morning.
Angie McGhee
On Mon, 26 Jan 1998 17:23:28 EST "Lysane Cree" <cree_l@LSA.Lan.McGill.CA>
>While on the subject of methods of tying up horses at rides (picket
>lines, etc.) does anyone ever use hobbles? I have never used them so
>i am just curious. Do they work? I seem to remember hearing that some
>horses are not "stopped" from wandering very far and can get used to
>and teach themselves to walk away on you to whereever they may
>desire, even with hobbles on. That would not be a could thing I
>imagine if the horse hobbled off (maybe that is where that expression
>came from! :) and stirred up trouble somewhere else.
>Lysane and Buck
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