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Re: 25 mile ride personal survey.
Points to consider or comment on:
> 1. AERC currently defines the 25 mile ride as a "novice" event. Quote
> from the website "These rides are not considered endurance rides by AERC
> but are referred to as Limited Distance rides."
This is true and should continue to be AERC policy. The concept of
endurance riding is just that, "endurance", and not sprints.
> 2. Approx. 60% of the 25 mile entries are non-AERC members.
Here again very true. If one is not looking for national or regional
recognition or is not completely supportive of the National organization,
what is the advantage of membership?
> 3. AERC is trying to promote the health and welfare of the horse in long
> distance competition.
This again is very true and this is the reason for limited recognition for
the LD training rides. This is also the thought behind the pulse down final
criteria. The LD rides prepare the horse for the distance competition of 50
or more miles.
> 4. 25 mile rides generate quite a bit of revenue.
Once again true and very often the LD ride supports the 50 and 100 mile
rides. I know in our area the Endurance Ride would not exist with out the
LD participants. How ever the 8 to 10 mile "pleasure ride" held in
conjunction with our endurance rides also contribute greatly to our revenue
and support the 50 mile "habit".
5. I have heard the argument that most 50 milers run faster on average
> than the 25 miler.
> Is this correct? has anyone evaluated all the factors including
> hold times, pulse criteria etc.? Or have they just compared winning
> times?
I have seen this happen at times and I have also seen 100s faster than 50s
on a speed per mile basis but this is terrain/climate dependent.
> 6. It would be nice to know the statistics such as number of horses
> entered, top tened, best condition, etc. and seen year after year and
> mile after mile, or never seen again for whatever reason.
For "endurance" rides this data is readily available for LD the data base
is not as extensive.
It is, in my not so humble opinion, not the philosophy of endurance riding
to encompass the concept of shorter rides. The original idea was
"endurance", the use of a horse over what were usually considered "normal"
distances and over terrain not usually traveled. While the original
endurance "Trials" put on by the US Army were over roads and trails they
were out of the "normal" in the horse had to carry over 200 pounds, do 60
miles a day, go for five days and then be fit to continue on. And this with
no support crews , motor homes etc.(and you think you do endurance). This
is the concept of endurance to me not run like hell for 25 miles and call
myself a winner. Endurance riding is that, ENDURANCE AND PERSEVERANCE MILE
Bob Morris
Morris Endurance Enterprises
Boise, ID
> From: Solis, Suzanne (LGE-AT) <ssolis@lg.com>
> To: 'Endurance' <ridecamp@endurance.net>
> Subject: 25 mile ride personal survey.
> Date: Tuesday, January 27, 1998 8:49 AM
> I would like to see the ridecamp opinion on 25 mile rides.
> Should 25 mile rides be sanctioned and treated exactly like the 50 miles
> or not.
>> Thanks,
> Suzanne
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