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New 50 Mile Championship Series
For your information, at the Board of Directors meeting in Lexington
this last week, the board approved a new championship series for the 50
mile rides starting with next years ride season. Rides will be selected
from each region as the championship ride. Where possible, these will
be at the same ride where a championship 100 is being held, but where
that is not possible, then a different 50 mile ride will be selected as
the designated 50 mile championship ride for that region.
All the particulars have not been worked out yet, but it will probably
be that participants can enter any or all of the championship rides and
the top three scores would be used. Since there are 9 regions, it would
be possible for someone to win the 100 mile championship series, as well
as the 50 mile championship series. This could be very interesting.
Terry Woolley Howe
San Diego
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