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Re: is this fair?
I think the 25 milers are not treated like stepchildren at all. Why,
they can do that ride even if they're not AERC members and don't even
have to pay any additional fee for the priviledge of having safe, marked
trails, vet care, camping facilities and prizes awarded. To my mind,
that means that those AERC MEMBERS who choose to ride limited distance
are being discriminated against. And I hope that this issue was also
addressed at the BOD in Lexington.
Adding a non-member fee to the limited distance rides is also another
way to generate monies--an issue near and dear to all our hearts!
I ride very few limited distance rides anymore--50 miles is my distance
choice at this time. But in Central Region, there are a great many
25/30 milers (rarely less than the number of 50 milers and generally a
good deal more) and while I have no statistics at hand, I believe a good
many of these riders are not AERC members. Would you be if you could
have all the benefits of membership without the cost?
Cyndi Craig states the fee issue of one ride (that being 25-$55; 50-$75;
and l00-$75). At first glance it does appear that the 25's fee is a bit
hefty. I'm not the ride manager of that ride but there may be
circumstances that make that fee more realistic than it seems. Many of
the 25 milers are new to the sport (and that's where they should be) and
often don't yet know the importance of pacing the ride, using
electrolytes, etc. etc., which can require additional vet/personnel
attention. Occasionally, they do a loop, figure it's enough and load up
and go home without notifying management. Sheer numbers of those riders
also tie up the vet checks sometimes. Not everyone has an experienced
rider to show them how the process goes and that task falls to other
riders and vet check personnel to help teach-- something we're all happy
to do most of the time.
I don't mean to say that these are the reasons for the fees, or that
they could be the only reasons for perceived disparity in costs to
riders--just some things to think about. I'm sure I've missed some
stuff here as well. Undoubtedly, someone will let me know!
Anita Burson
Rider Directory
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