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Re: Dogs & kids in camp
Sue Norris wrote:
> Remember, I am not commenting on the inconsiderate few, I am referring
> to the majority that control both their dogs and their children.
While that may be the case, it is the "few" that will ruin it for all.
let me restate that I am a dog breeder/shower myself...I love dogs but
they *must* be kept in control at all times.
I am not in favor of banning dogs from rides, though it seems that that
is the trend.
I am sorry
> that you have had such bad experiences, but just because one person sets a
> bad example, does that mean that the rest of us have to be chastised?
I am quite sorry that you feel "chastised" If you have nothing to be
ashamed of then there is no reason for it.
> because one persons child is unruly, does that mean the rest of the children
> have to be punished?
Since I am a mother myself, I had not made a comment on the children
aspect ...but I do believe that a campful of horses is a potentially
dangerous place and children need to be supervised. Punishment is best
left to the parent, who hopefully will deal with a situation if it is
pointed out to them (hopefully they have noticed looong before you have
and deal with it)
Again, I am aware that some people simply do not like children, and that
is definitely within their rights. If that is the case, hopefully there
is enough room to move around camp to a spot more to everyone's liking.
As far as dogs go, I am not the one doing the punishing....inconsiderate
dog owners will do that to ALL the dog owners by letting their dogs run
loose at rides. All it will take is one bite inccident at a ride, for
that ride manager to say "fine, no more".
As I said, most of the people that I know at the rides
> that bring dogs, control them quite well, and that is ALOT. I will
> definitely make sure that my dog does not pee on your stuff or your food. So
> count me as one you don't have to worry about.
Excellent! if everyone at rides were as considerate as you, this topic
may have never even have come up....unfortunately, it appears that there
are ALOT of uncontrolled dogs out there, and those are the ones that get
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