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Re: ground staking
What works even better is a cable inside of a stiff garden hose. Then even
if the legs get intwined the horse can easily release itself. This is what a
lot of Tennessee Walking Horse people use.
I would not use a chain since it could get wedged in between the shoe and
the hoof and could also get pretty tight if the horse got entangled.
At 08:05 PM 1/24/98 -0500, you wrote:
>If yu have room for a picket line, what about a light chain and a ground
>stake? A chain won't bunch up around a horses feet, a 10 foot chain give
>a 20' circle, what do you think?
>/s/ Frank (seffner Florida)
>Ann Perry wrote:
>> Just read Lucy's bad picket line story and thought I'd come out of lurk mode
>> for a minute. I've never used a picket line, but have had problems with
>> tying to the trailer--line gets caught under fender, horse panics and pulls
>> back, breaking snap, making people sleeping in camper think it's an
>> earthquake, etc. I'd get a Horsin' Around corral if I could justify/afford
>> it; but until then what about a picket line? They do look like an accident
>> waiting to happen. All that rope AND a horse! However, last year in
>> Endurance News there was info on a picket system you can buy that uses
>> pulleys and weights to keep the slack out of the halter rope. Looked like it
>> might help. I have the info (somewhere) and will try to find it if anyone's
>> interested. I most likely will try it myself this summer. Has anybody seen
>> or used it?
>> Back to lurk mode,
>> Ann
>Frank W. Vans Evers
>mailto:vans@cyberspy.com or mailto:vans@ccfs.centcom.mil
Jessica Tuteur, Ride Manager Wine Country 50 6/6/98
J-M Ranch & HorseBums
1393 Green Valley Rd.
Napa, CA 94558
(707) 258-1937 tel & fax
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