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Re: Slow Recovery- Heart Rate
In a message dated 98-01-25 02:57:06 EST, boverton@tpgi.com.au writes:
<< The only problem I can discern during exercise on the training track is a
tendency to crab both ways while trotting. This could indicate some
soreness but it has been checked out by the Chiro.
The weather has been hot and sticky and the training tracks are relative
difficult. However my other horse and this one in previous years would
recover to the mid forties with the same conditions.
Bruce from Downunder >>
You should get a vet to look at the horse--problem may be in the feet or
elsewhere. Before you can make decisions, you need a genuine diagnosis.
Are you looking at heartrates during the exercise itself? If you horse is
lame, then you should see 10-30 BPM higher heartrates for the same workload.
Also, how hot is it where you're working? If your horse is blowing a lot after
a workout, you'll get a higher heartrate just because it takes energy to
maintain an elevated respiration rate.
Whatever, you need a diagnosis.
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