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Re: Home Fly Spray
what is your problem with citronella? It is an oil that comes off of citrus
fruit. You can buy it at health food stores or pharmacies, or make your
own. I make a citronella flea dip for the dogs. You just slice up a few
lemons, paper thin, put the slices in a pot of water and boil it for
awhile. Strain out the lemons and you have your citronella dip.
chris paus & star
At 10:15 AM 1/25/98 EST, Lthunter wrote:
>I found an article in a horse magazine for home fly spray. Can anybody tell
>me if they used it and is it safe. The only problem I have with it is the
>Citronella. It states it's combustable. Here is the recipe.
>1 oz Citronella Oil
>2 oz Skin So Soft (Avon)
>1 cup Vinegar
>1 cup Water
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