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Re: Not MY dog!
REPLY TO 01/24/98 02:50 FROM ridecamp@endurance.net: Not MY dog!
From: "Blankenship, Ann" <ABlankenship@commerce.ca.gov>
Since every single person INSISTS that THEIR dogs are not the
out-of-control ones, then WHO owns these dogs that are running around
peeing on the hay, begging at the table, and generally being a pain in
the ass??? Think about it now, have any of you EVER heard anyone say
"Well yeah, I bring my dogs to rides and I let them run wild." These
people are idiots and you can't legislate stupidity. Even if you rule
that dogs are not allowed, they bring them anyway. The only way to end
this behavior is to DQ them from the ride if they don't follow the dog
rules, just like any other ride rule.
If dogs are well behaved (read confined and quiet) they should pose no
problems at rides and I'm sure no one will mind. If we weren't (some
kind of ) animal lovers, we wouldn't be here, right?
Well, let me ask all of you this? You take just about any dog, no
matter how well trained, that is used to going along with his owner
on horseback. Take that dog to a ride, and suddenly the owner
leaves the dog in camp while he rides away. 9 out of 10 dogs are
going to whine, bark or howl. What about the rest of folks in camp?
Our spouses and kids. Do they want to have to listen to that?
Your point is well taken,though, NOBODY is willing to admit their
dog is an annoyance.
To: ridecamp@endurance.net
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