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Re: Dogs & kids in Camp
REPLY TO 01/23/98 19:08 FROM ridecamp@endurance.net: Re: Dogs & kids in Camp
I'm okay with rides being a family affair -- as long as I can bring MY
family too, my dog Bailey. (I don't mind leaving the snakes at home, as
they don't travel well anyway.) She's clean, neat, quiet, well-behaved,
and under my control at all times, no matter where we are.
Some people don't like dogs. I can understand and live with that. I
personally don't like children. However, I am willing to tolerate your
well-behaved children at camp if you are willing to tolerate my well-behaved
dog. :))
The Snodgrass Family
Glenda, Lakota (equine) & Bailey (canine)
Ruby, Charlie, Jerry & Wilson (serpentine)
In Memory Of: Simon & Sarafina (lizardine)
Glenda, I have to take exception to this, as dogs ARE NOT people!
Much as I love my dogs, I sure don't expect other folks to! If you
don't like to "tolerate" peoples children, then stay at home!
My daughter comes to the endurance rides and RIDES! If I pay the
$70 or so dollars for her SHE is entitled to be there! If I choose
to pay the dinner $ for my son, then HE is entitled to be there!
If the rule says no dogs, then your dog should stay home.
I dislike ill-mannered dogs AND children, and will take strong
measures to ensure that my dogs and kids don't ruin anyone elses
day. But the only way to guarantee my dog won't annoy somebody at a
ride is to leave it at home. How do I know what my dog is doing
(well trained it might be), if I am out on a ride all day!!?
Becuase rides are "family affairs"; give you no right to bring your
dog, especially if the rule say no dogs! You might FEEL like your
dog is family (I do), but you sure can't pass it off as that.
While millions of people may feel their dogs are as important as
children, there is a world of difference.
Now my .02 on dogs on rides. Absolutely no dogs at endurance rides!
I am sick to death of being annoyed by dogs barking early in the
morning and later while their owners are out on the trail. I am
annoyed by the wandering loose dogs, because my CHILDREN are at
some of the rides, and I don't trust dogs I don't personally know,
not to bite. I am tired of dogs into my food trucks and peeing on
my possessions.
On the other hand, I greatly enjoy taking my dog on training
rides, and am lucky to live in a county with thousands of acres of
BLM land, and permission from the BLM folks! I find having the dogs
along has been the best training for the horses-running under the
horses, jumping and crashing out of bushes, will de-spook horses in
a hurry! I have a dog that absolutely will not run wildlife; he has
had deer and rabbits jump right in front of him and he just follows
me! I disagree with the poster that claimed dogs would rather stay
at home and sleep. Perhaps mine would, since he is getting older,
but I know other dogs that like for the horseback rides.
To: ridecamp@endurance.net
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