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Re: Picklet Line Ropes
> Climbing ropes will stretch, they are designed to absorb the impact of a fall, rather than bring your body to an abrupt stop. Depending upon the manufacturer the lay and the weight of the fallee, they can stretch up to 10 - 25%. They do have a lot of resilience, and don't stretch permanently unless the fibers get broken. Because they typically have a tough outer shell, they are quite durable, but expensive.
Yes, as new they are expensive, but as a used climbing rope~~very cheap! Once a climbing rope is no longer used for same, it is as good as garbage. Go to your local climbing community and I'm sure you'll find many a rope that has held one too many falls, and be able to pick it up for a song.
And yes, I do use my old climbing rope for a picket line in the backcountry. Doesn't seem to stretch too much as a used rope. Also, tie the line with a hitch in it to be able to take up slack without retying the whole line.
Deanne Del Vecchio & Gabe ~~ Gee, Mom, glad you made my PVC corral so I don't have to hang on the picket line at rides anymore!
Creative Computer Concepts
South Lake Tahoe, CA
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