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Re: SS loin rubs---I know not again!!
> >Regarding the loin rubs : in talking to another competitor last fall,
> >she was noticing loin hair rubs as her horse grew longer hair..they
> >did not show up when he was slick and smooth...I can't remember if it
> >was a Sport Saddle or not....had you considered this factor? Is he at
I posted a similar message not too long ago, as Lakota was getting the
hair rubbed off his back at the back edge of the saddle. Since I had been
using the same saddle for nearly a year without problems, I didn't think
(and sincerely hoped) it was a saddle fit problem. Susan Milam suggested
to me it might be a "grabbing" problem with the fleece saddle pad and his
coarse winter coat, as she'd had that problem with one of her horses. So
I tried a slick-finish polished cotton saddlepad for awhile, and it seems
to have done the trick. The hair is growing back on those bare spots.
Glenda & Lakota (25 down, 1000s to go!)
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