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Re: Sources of Foods (Grains)
On Wed, 21 Jan 1998 10:48:39 -0800 (PST) K S Swigart
<katswig@deltanet.com> writes:
>> Sugar is as bad for horses as it is for any other species, and
>horses may
>> exhibit mood swings similarly seen in humans. Time and time again
>horses calm
>I must take exception to this blanket statement. Sugar is not "bad"
>horses any more than it is for any other species. Considering that
>body must convert all food to sugar (glucose) if it is to be used for
Yea! Let's hear it for molasse. I've done 1700 miles ALL ON SWEET FEED!
O.K. I've admitted it. I do not mix up my own concoction. I do not
add any kind of vitamins, or any other supplement for that matter.
A few years ago I was groom at the North American Championships. The
horse I went with was fed a mixture of oats, corn, bran, and a couple of
supplements. Notice I did not say he "ate" it. Most of it was thrown
out. He looked like a kid holding his nose and eating brussel sprouts
and he stopped eating as soon as his stomach quit grumbling.
I used to work for a Thoroughbred trainer who prided himself in only
feeding rolled oats with corn oil. I threw out an awful lot of that too.
All I know is that when I feed Southern Gold "Heavy Grain (looks like
Omalene). (10% protein, 3.0% fat, 5% crude fiber) and a cup of oil,
Kaboot actually chews and swallows his food with gusto, at a ride and at
home. I just don't see why some people go to such extremes to balance a
perfect diet, then don't notice that the horse hates it. I wonder if
Michael Jordon eats a perfectly scientific, disgusting meal every night.
I never cease to be amazed at the people who pay a ton for all the best
additives, then feed crappy hay.
Angie and Kaboot (who loves sweet feed and Tifton Bermuda hay.)
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