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Eliminate Sanctioning 2-Day 100's & 3-Day 150's
- To: equine_athletes@hotmail.com
- Subject: Eliminate Sanctioning 2-Day 100's & 3-Day 150's
- From: mbp@holly.colostate.edu (Brad Patterson)
- Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 23:38:32 -0700 (MST)
- Cc: aerc@foothill.net, b-mbobrow@worldnet.att.net, MBowers472@aol.com, darolyn@swbell.net, ddc@Rt66.com, renegade12@juno.com, dfrazier@mail.llion.org, lynng@access.mountain.net, jackson@inconnect.com, Navarrada@aol.com, mmsprice@postoffice.ptd.net, ridecamp@endurance.net, LRiedel769@aol.com, step@bluefish.fsr.com, cmiket@aol.com, WWArabsrun@aol.com
Greetings Linda!
Multi-Day (I am referring to those rides of two or more consecutive days,
not "Special event rides" - see Rule 11.2 - that are series of rides on
consecutive days totaling more than three days or 150 miles) Rides are
great! Riding 50 miles two days in a row (almost) always beats only riding
one, and riding three days in a row (almost) always beats only riding two,
etc., etc., BUT
Yes, it is time to for the AERC BOD to eliminate sanctioning 2-Day 100's &
3-Day 150's.
* There is no way that riding a 2-Day 100 is the same as riding a 1-Day
100 - never has been, never will! I can't think of anyone who has ridden a
continuous 150 miler (I'm sure someone has done it!), but I can't believe
that riding three 50's in three days is the same as doing 150 miles in 36
* The Rider "Strategy" Myth: A rider will ride differently (in strategic,
pacing terms) if they are going to enter a 2-Day 100 than two consecutive
50's (50/50). BALONEY! Coming to the two day event, the rider will always
choose between one of three options:
1. Not riding (for various reasons), but drinking (also for various reasons);
2. Being "competitive" (Top 10, etc.) on Day One, and hopefully riding on
Day Two if he/she has enough horse left, plus drinking;
3. Going for the mileage, and riding at a pace that they know they can
finish both days, unless that evil stone finds a foot somewhere along the
trail, plus drinking;
So, which option will the rider choose if they want to enter both 50's? #3.
Which option will they choose if they want to enter the 2-Day 100? #3.
* There is no awards program for them.
* You get no extra point amount (like 1.5 for a one day 100) for them.
* The only reason they were instituted was for the ROC as qualifiying
critera. It is no secret that Susan does not actually require completion
of "sanctioned" multiple-day events - she will accept completing any two or
three days in a row.
* The "On-Going Myth Syndrome": Riders enter them because they believe
that they are necessary for qualifying for some rides and so Ride Managers
sanction them because they believe riders want them. Net result: The
first time a rider loses the 50 miles they completed the 1st day because
they didn't finish the second day is the last time they enter a 2-Day 100,
AND they cost the Ride Manager more money for sanctioning, ride fees
(although not much here, because not many enter them - check the EN ride
results!), and awards.
* Sanctioning as a 3-Day 150 isn't necessary for a ride to be a Pioneer
Event; it qualifies if it is three consecutive days of 50 miles or more
each day.
* Finally, the rules still would need a change if we continue to sanction
them. Rule 5.2 states that you have 12 hours to complete a 50, and 24
hours to complete a 100. If you have entered a 2-Day 100, you should have
24 hours of "total competition time"; if you complete Day 1 in 8 hours,
that should leave you with 16 for Day 2. However, the Rule is not clear on
this, and because you are only riding 50 miles each day, some, but
certainly not all, think you should have only 12 hours per day within which
you must complete.
The AERC Competitions Committee and Board of Directors has discussed
getting rid of this before - NOW IS THE TIME!
Therefore, I propose to both the AERC Competitions and Sanctioning
Commitees to eliminate sanctioning 2-Day 100's & 3-Day 150's.
* April 11: BOXELDER TRAILS 30/50 & 15 mile ROOKIE Ride (Wellington, CO)
* April 25-26: PAWNEE GRASSLANDS I 25/50/75/100 Elevator/25/50 & 15 mile
ROOKIE Rides * Mountain Region National Series Championship Ride *
(Briggsdale, CO)
* June 20: BEAVER MEADOWS 25/50/75/100 & 15 mile ROOKIE Ride
(Red Feather Lakes, CO)
* July 18: A MIDSUMMER'S MOONLIGHT RIDE 30/50 & 15 mile ROOKIE Ride
(Wellington, CO)
* August 3-7: 2ND ANNUAL ROCKY MOUNTAIN RIDE 55/55/55/55/30-55 *Pioneer
Event * (Monday-Friday; Arlington, Centennial and Mountain Home,
Wyoming &
Gould, Red Feather Lakes, and Stove Prairie, Colorado - Each day
is a seperate
event, and rig drivers are available - Pre-Registration deadline
is July 1st)
* September 5-7: HORSETHIEF PASS 25/50/25/50/25/50 & 15 mile ROOKIE Rides
*Pioneer Event* (Walden, CO)
* October 17: PAWNEE GRASSLANDS II 30/50/75/100 Elevator & 15 mile ROOKIE
Ride (Briggsdale, CO)
* November-December: Winter rides to be announced.
***All Pre-Registration deadlines are nine days (postmarked) before the
ride unless otherwise noted.
"There is no better way to see the world than from the back of a horse."
- Teddy Roosevelt
Email: mbp@holly.colostate.edu
Mail: 1600 West Plum Street #28-H, Fort Collins, Colorado 80521
Phone/Fax: 970-491-8891
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