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national championship proposal
Since I'm feeling rather opinionated lately <bg>, I think I'll throw my
$.02 in on this topic, too.
Even if this proposal were accepted, I don't know that the winning team of
this one ride would necessarily be the the horse-rider team I would name
to anyone asking who the current national endurance champions are --
especially if I'd never heard of them before, or didn't know much about
them. It seems to me that endurance is all about "enduring" -- not just a
few hours, but ride after ride, month after month, year after year. In my
estimation, it takes much more skill, effort and determination to finish
Top Ten in a dozen or more rides in one year, than it does to finish first
in one special race, no matter how tough it may be.
One of the many things about the AERC that appeals to me, along with the
motto, is the concept of National Mileage Champion and National BC
Champion -- to me, those are the TRUE champions.
(flame away if you like -- I promise to pay no attention whatsoever)
Glenda & Lakota (25 down, 1000s to go!)
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