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Selinium requirements
I can't seem to find agreement on the amount of selinium a horse needs and what is
toxic. Below I have summarized information from posts to this group and some books.
I have calculated the required and toxic amounts below for a 900 lb horse eating 20
lb.s of food per day.
Heidi Smith DVM says 8 to 10 mg/day is correct and 60 to 90 mg/day will cause chronic
Susan Garlinghouse says 2mg/kg of diet which is 16 mg/day, almost twice Heidi's for my
horse. Susan says toxic is 3.3mg/kg of body weight which is over 1200mg/day
Duncan Fletcher quotes NRC which matches Susan's recommended amount.
Courtney Hart's new book says .11mg/100 lb of body weight or 1 mg/day recommended
Courtney states .22 can be low level toxic or 2mg/day can be cause chronic toxicity.
This value is 1/5 to 1/10 what Susan & Heidi recommend
Horse Owner's Vet Handbook (Giffin & Gore) pg373 states .1mg/kg of diet or .83mg/day
recommended for my horse. 5mg/kg is toxic or 41 mg/day is toxic
The UCD Book of Horses states .3ppm in the diet is recommended which calcs out to 2.5
mg/day for my horse. It says "relatively small excesses may be toxic"
Anyway you can see that what some people recommend is considered toxic by others. The
UCD book is new and I have heard the NRC values may be outdated? Any comments?
Jim Mitchell
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