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Re: What vet checks are for (was:Completion times)
>> _I_ would like to dispel the notion that we have vet checks at endurance
>> rides so that horses can rest. This assumes that ride managers and/or
>> vets are responsible for resting our horses. As far as I am concerned,
>> vet checks are so that the vets can inspect the horses to confirm that
>> they are "fit to continue."
That's probably a function of the ride manager and the vets. I do know
that at my ride, one of the first things that I hash out with the vets is
the hold times. One of the prime considerations is ample time for rest for
the horses to recover. If it is going to be a hot/humid day we will allow
extra time. If it is going to be cold and windy we will most likely cut
the hold time to minimize the prospect of the horses getting stiff.
So like all general statements, including this one, the above is clearly
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