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Keep It Simple, last time
How many times have you actually been overtime because of
>factors over which you had no control? It has never happened to me in thirty-
>four years of endurance riding so I guess I am about due. I hope when it does
>that I can be as understanding as I seem to be asking all of you to be. If
>not, you can point your fingers and I will cry "uncle" . 12 hours for a 50
>and 24 hours for 100, "total elapsed time", has been the understood time limit
>since the first hundred miler (1955) and fifty miler (1966)were staged. It
>works well with rare exceptions. We do not need rules for rare exceptions.
>We take our lumps and come back next year. Julie
>And this from a woman whose horses got loose during the night at Death
Valley, caught said horses, started ride late, and still finished well
within time!!!!
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